Keeping up to date with all of your purchases and bills may seem overwhelming, but the Arbor Card Control App can help you GET MORE control. The card control app can give you access to your credit and debit card information from the touch of a button. Launch the app, or if you have a credit card, simply, tap on your credit card number in Mobile Banking for a single sign-on. Enable biometrics for an even faster sign-in process. Here are some of the best benefits of using the Card Control App.

1. Monitor Your Cards 

See the details of your recent debit and credit card purchases all in one convenient place, 24/7. Having all that information in one place can help you avoid going over your budget, ensure you know how much you have spent and let you know your payment amount.

2. Add Alerts  

The Card Control App makes it easy to add alerts to your card that will notify you of any transaction amount. Add travel notifications to ensure uninterrupted use of your Arbor Cards while you are away. Plus, if you suspect fraud, you can lock your account, change your PIN, and report your card as lost or stolen, all within the app. 

Quick Credit Card Tip: If your credit card is registered in the app, you will automatically receive a digital replacement card when you report your card as lost or stolen that can be added to your digital wallet.  

3. Make Payments 

Your credit card payments are all in one place, making it easier than ever to make or schedule a payment. For an even easier payment process, set up recurring payments and transfers.

The card Control App is a great tool to help you gain more control and peace of mind. To learn more about the Card Control app and how it can help you watch the video below.


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